校园事工通过提供祈祷和反思的多种机会来支持电子游戏软件社区对天主教信仰的参与, as well as, 教理指导,理想地作为一个途径,以更大的参与圣事和教会丰富的礼仪生活. 有关三个重要的教理课程及修和圣事的资料, see below.
有兴趣加入天主教会的成年人要通过一个叫做OCIA(成人基督教入会令)的程序。. The OCIA is a journey of faith which allows you to explore the Catholic Church, go deeper into understanding yourself and God, and be formed in faith by reflecting on God’s Word, and the Catholic community’s life, liturgy and beliefs. 这个培育过程的高潮是通过入会圣事成为天主教会的正式成员:洗礼, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist.
There are generally three categories of people who participate in the OCIA process:
- Those who have never been baptized
- Those who have been baptized in another Christian Church (i.e. Lutheran, Methodist, Episcopalian, etc.)
- 在天主教会受洗但从未接受过圣餐和坚振礼的人.
电子游戏软件的OCIA项目是校园部办公室和圣. Ignatius Parish, and meets every other Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m., along with some occasional Sundays from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.; the first meeting is on September 17, 2024. If you have questions about becoming Catholic or the OCIA program, please contact Ellen Modica.
欢迎在天主教会受洗并领受圣餐但尚未坚信的学生参加我们一月份开始的坚信课程. Please contact Fr. Tony Penna for more information on this program.
What is involved in OCIA?
At BC, anyone interested in participating in OCIA first meets with Ellen Modica, the director of the program, to learn more about it and to discuss their particular circumstances. 该项目本身包括整个学年的两周会议,会上有关于天主教会的问题, relationship with Jesus, issues of faith, church practices, etc. are discussed. Participants are encouraged to pray daily and to attend Mass on a regular basis. 作为OCIA进程的一部分,各种庆祝仪式的准备工作也是该计划的一部分.
Who can participate?
欢迎任何有兴趣加入或了解更多天主教会的电子游戏软件学生或员工加入OCIA. This includes those who are unbaptized, baptized in another Christian Church, or baptized in the Catholic Church but have never received Eucharist or Confirmation.
When and where are the OCIA sessions held?
The bi-weekly meetings will be held on Tuesday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the lower level of St. Ignatius Church (28 Commonwealth Ave).
What is the format of the sessions?
The bi-weekly meetings will provide time for questions from participants, input on a specific topic, and discussion and preparation for the following Sunday's liturgy. These meetings also provide time for personal reflection, prayer and community-building with others who are on the faith journey.
I think I was baptized, but am not sure. What kind of information do I need to join OCIA?
If you were baptized, 你应该能够从你的教会或会众那里得到一份你的洗礼记录的副本(证书或牧师的信). Locating records can sometimes be difficult or time-consuming, so you should try to obtain these records as early in the process as possible. 在你进入教会之前,我们必须看一下这些记录来确认你的受洗情况. If your church or congregation did not keep records or no longer exists, we can make other arrangements. 你需要哪些记录的细节将在你与主管的第一次会议上讨论.
If I was baptized in another church, will I be rebaptized?
If you were baptized with water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, you will not be baptized again. If you are unsure of the form of your baptism, someone in the program can help you to figure this out and what your next steps should be.
有人告诉我,我需要一个担保人,他必须是一个受洗并坚信的天主教徒,他将和我一起参加会议. What does a sponsor do and how do I find one?
赞助者是与你同行的人,可以帮助回答你的一些问题. 他们会和你一起参加各种仪式,这也是节目的一部分. They do need to be baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church. 如果可能的话,那个人会和你一起参加会议,但这不是绝对必要的. 担保人可以是朋友、同事、导师或家庭成员(但不能是父母或配偶)。. We have people we can call on in the BC or St. 伊格内修会的成员,他们可以作为你的赞助人,如果你没有人来担当这个角色的话.
我知道我希望我的担保人是谁,但那个人不住在当地,不能参加会议. Can that person still be my sponsor?
Yes. While the best practice is to have your sponsor attend meetings with you, it is permissible to have a sponsor who is not able to do so.
I already know a lot about the Catholic Church. Can I skip OCIA?
Skipping OCIA entirely is never recommended. OCIA程序的一部分包括参加项目过程中发生的各种仪式. 这些仪式是过程中重要的里程碑,在帮助一个人感觉与教会联系方面走了很长一段路. 另一个重要的方面是社区建设和支持,这是通过与项目中的其他人共度时光而发生的. Ultimately, every person’s situation is unique, 一个人的知识和经验是决定他们在这个项目中花多少时间是合适的一个因素.
My schedule doesn’t permit me to attend your sessions. What should I do?
We are always happy to work with you in finding alternative ways to participate, 包括安排教理讲授在私人设置与一个合格的BC社区的成员. Please contact Ellen Modica at ellen.modica@mikeshiner.com to discuss your specific circumstances.
What happens if I start OCIA and then decide I don’t want to be Catholic?
如果你在任何时候决定不想加入天主教会,你都没有义务继续参加这个项目. If, after making that decision you wanted to continue attending meetings for your own education, you would be more than welcome to do so.
Is there a cost for the program?
We ask all participants to purchase the book, “A Well-Built Faith” by Joseph Paprocki, and strongly suggest they have a copy of a Catholic study bible, but otherwise there is no cost.
If you are a Catholic and wish to be confirmed before you graduate from Boston College,Campus Ministry invites you to register online for this year’s program. 这个可行的项目包括整个春季学期关于天主教信仰的一系列对话, with an emphasis on its fundamental teachings and rich tradition, as well as, many of its key practices, rituals and heroes. 重要的是,你可以自由地参加每一节课,因为每一节课——除了最初的那一节——都是建立在之前所涵盖的内容之上的.
All six sessions run from 12:00 to 1:00 pm on Sunday afternoons at St. Joseph Chapel (Gonzaga Hall, upper campus). They immediately follow the chapel’s 11:00 am Sunday Mass. In fact, 许多以前参加过坚振礼的人都觉得参加上午11点的弥撒比较方便,然后再去参加坚振礼.
The program dates are: January 28, 2024, February 4, 2024, February 11, 2024, February 25, 2024, March 24, 2024, and April 7, 2024.
The Confirmation ceremony will occur in early spring at St. Ignatius Church on the lower campus. The date of the ceremony is being negotiated with the Archdiocese and will be forthcoming. Baptismal records will be required for anyone wishing to be confirmed. 欲了解更多信息,请致电或发送电子邮件至校园部Colette McLaughlin(617-552-3098)或发送电子邮件: kelleycs@mikeshiner.com.
Each fall and spring, 校园事工为电子游戏软件社区和圣. Ignatius Parish, Chestnut Hill. 该节目的基础是一系列由已婚夫妇发表的演讲,这些演讲的主题是大多数婚姻中常见的. 演讲之后是一组练习,旨在引起订婚夫妇对这些主题的反思和讨论. Although the engaged couples will be free to ask questions of married couples after each presentation; most of their free time, as you would expect, will be spent in private conversations with one other. Because we believe that prayer enlarges the heart, the program opens and closes with prayer. Breakfast foods, lunch, and beverages are provided. The program is limited to 15 couples; thus, interested couples are encouraged to register as soon as possible.
Fall Date: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Location: 825 Centre St. Newton, MA 02458
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Fee: $200.00
欲了解更多信息,请致电校园部617-552-3098或电子邮件Colette McLaughlin kelleycs@mikeshiner.com.
Reconciliation is so important in our lives—reconciliation with significant people, reconciliation with ourselves, and reconciliation with God.
If you would like the Sacrament of Reconciliation on an individual basis, please call (617) 552-3475 or e-mail ministry@mikeshiner.com for an appointment. You can also stop by Campus Ministry (McElroy 233) during office hours to schedule a time.
Additionally, Reconciliation is available before or after any of our daily or Sunday liturgies, just ask the presider.
Manresa House is a place for discernment, hospitality, conversation, 以及帮助学生和教职员思考他们认为上帝可能在他们的生活中引领他们的灵性. We hope to be a resource for people at any step in the journey, whether you just want to learn more or whether you feel ready to commit to religious life.
Congratulations on your engagement! 在电子游戏软件结婚说明了我们的大学社区在你的生活和生活中占有重要的地位, as you begin wedding preparations, we want to help make planning this special celebration easier. Information on the use of the chapel, scheduling a wedding, planning the ceremony, and more can be found on the Weddings page.